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Eaton HK

... sustainability. Eaton's unique and easily accessible range of facilities and efficient, streamlined operations ensure an effortless and engaging hospitality experience for today's frequent travellers. Points Per Stay Room Rates 500 Qualifying Rates Claim Eaton HK 380 Nathan Road, Jordan, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: +852 2782 1818 Website: Terms and conditions In order to collect FlyerBonus Points for hotel stays, members must state their intention to collect FlyerBonus points and provide ...

Eaton HK

Eaton hotels encourage balanced living through a tasteful, urban-cool design, highly efficient and intuitive service and an on-going commitment to sustainability. Eaton's unique and easily accessible range of facilities and efficient, streamlined operations ensure an effortless and engaging hospitality experience for today's frequent travellers. คะแนนที่ได้รับ/ครั้ง ราคา 500 อัตราที่กำหนด Claim โรงแรมอีตัน ฮ่องกง โทร: +852 2782 1818 เว็บไซต์: เงื่อนไขและข้อกำหนด: หากสมาชิกต้องการสะสมคะแนนจากการใช้บริการ...
Pages: 1