Enroll now to start reward your travel with FlyerBonus Points and enjoy the exclusive privileges!
Please enter your FlyerBonus ID and password
Please complete the application. Please use English characters only, avoid using characters such as &, *, #, <, >, ", ', .
If you have enrolled in FlyerBonus program before, please do not enroll once again. Click “Forgot FlyerBonus ID” or "Forgot password" or contact us at flyerbonus@bangkokair.com
Please enter your name, last name as it appears on your passport and must be alphabets (A-Z) only.
As your recorded age is under 16 years, the consent of a parent or legal guardian is required prior to setting up a FlyerBonus programme account. To continue, please ask your parent or legal guardian to complete the enrolment process by providing the details outlined below.
I, as the parent or legal guardian, consent to the aforementioned person enrolling in the FlyerBonus programme and the processing of their personal data.
Remember to create a high-strength password with a minimum of 6-10 characters, containing at least 1 uppercase letter (A-Z) and 1 lowercase letter (a-z) and a combination of numbers (0-9). Special characters and symbols are permitted, with the exception of $, &, <, and >.
Must not be over 40 characters
I consent to receiving marketing-related communication that may include membership-related news, programme information, personalised offers, promotional news as well as event invitations from Bangkok Airways, FlyerBonus and co-partners.
Please select the communication channel being consented to:
Members may opt-in or out anytime by updating their preference in the 'My Profile' and 'My Preferences' menu.
I hereby consent to utilising the FlyerBonus Automated Check-in service by Bangkok Airways and accept the stated
I have read, understood and accepted the Bangkok Airways Public Co., Ltd. and ‘FlyerBonus’ Frequent Flyer Programme Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy at flyerbonus.bangkokair.com and flyerbonus.bangkokair.com/beyondflying.
I hereby confirm that the information stated above is accurate. The address, email, and phone number provided is the genuine identity of the member's full name given and subject to the rules and regulations enforced by Bangkok Airways Public Co., Ltd and FlyerBonus.